Core Clinical Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Services
Our core clinical offers include: applied behaviour analysis, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy and mental health services.
Through the Toronto Autism Services Network, clinicians and families work together to understand each child and family’s strengths, capacity and need for services. Clinicians create client-centred plans and provide services that actively empower families and caregivers to acquire knowledge and skills to support their child’s development.
Services are delivered in a way that emphasizes and prioritizes the development, maintenance and generalization of functional skills, including skills that prepare children and youth to more fully benefit from, and participate in, their communities.
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Effective behaviour interventions for children and youth with autism are based on the scientific principles of applied behaviour analysis (ABA).
Based on scientific research, direct observations and measurement to increase or decrease behaviour, ABA is used to teach skills across developmental domains, including but not limited to communication, social and adaptive skills, independence and the treatment of challenging behaviour. An essential feature of ABA is that the skills learned are maintained and generalized to other settings and with other people.
Learn more about ABA and other evidence-based services on the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services website, under OAP Guidelines.